
Discover the innovative projects of the AI Open Academy, including collaborations with UCAM in ethics and AI development, educational events, and information resources. Join our community and stay up to date in the world of artificial intelligence.

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UCAM Chair in Artificial Intelligence

Together with the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), we have promoted an Artificial Intelligence Chair to promote training and consulting projects in AI that respect the universal ethical principles of AI.

Respect for
human dignity

AI must be used in a way that respects the intrinsic dignity of all people, avoiding any form of discrimination and promoting equal opportunities.

Transparency and explicability

AI systems must be transparent in their operation, and the decisions made by these systems must be explainable and understandable to users.

Privacy and data protection

AI must ensure the protection of personal data and the privacy of individuals, complying with applicable data protection regulations.

Safety and reliability

AI systems must be safe and reliable, minimizing the risks of damage and ensuring the safety of users.

Social benefit and common good

AI must be developed and used in a way that promotes social well-being and contributes to the common good, addressing social and environmental challenges.


Respect for human dignity

AI must be used in a way that respects the intrinsic dignity of all people, avoiding any form of discrimination and promoting equal opportunities.


Transparency and explicability

Reliability AI systems must be transparent in their operation, and the decisions made by these systems must be explainable and understandable to users.


Privacy and data protection

AI must ensure the protection of personal data and the privacy of individuals, complying with applicable data protection regulations.


Safety and reliability

AI systems must be safe and reliable, minimizing the risks of damage and ensuring the safety of users.


Social benefit and common good

AI must be developed and used in a way that promotes social well-being and contributes to the common good, addressing social and environmental challenges.

These ethical standards must be implemented through clear policies, educational programs, responsible research and AI development practices that reflect both universal ethical principles and specific values of UCAM. In addition, it is crucial to promote an environment of constant ethical reflection and open dialogue on the challenges and opportunities presented by AI in the university context and in society in general.

From the Chair of Artificial Intelligence, we will develop a variety of projects that will range from institutional collaborations with different sectors to the organization of educational events and the development of information materials. These projects can be classified into three main categories.

With technology companies: alliances for the development of emerging technologies in AI, such as advanced machine learning and intelligent robotics. These collaborations may include professional practices, joint research projects, and mentoring programs.

Pharmaceutical industry: Work on research and development projects that use AI to discover new drugs, improve clinical trial processes, and personalize medical treatments.

Editorials: Implement AI systems for market trend analysis, personalized reading recommendations and optimization of editorial processes.

Webinars and Conferences: Organize webinars and conferences that address current topics in AI, attracting international experts to share their knowledge and experiences.

University expert courses and degrees: Offer specialized courses and university expert degrees in specific areas of AI, such as ethics in AI, algorithm development and data analysis, or applications of generative AI in different sectors such as education or healthcare.

Masters: Develop master's programs that combine theory and practice, preparing students for advanced careers in the field of AI.

Creation of an International Artificial Intelligence Observatory. One of the major goals of this project is the creation of an International Artificial Intelligence Observatory.


AI Nursing Guide

We highlight with great satisfaction our latest work, “Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Nursing”, an essential resource that has reached more than 5000 downloads since its first edition. This guide has revolutionized the management of AI in the field of nursing in Spain, providing professionals with practical tools and theoretical knowledge to effectively integrate artificial intelligence into their daily practices. Its success reflects not only the quality of the content, but also the growing need to adapt technological advances to health care. This publication is a clear example of how our company is committed to disseminating valuable and applicable knowledge, thus improving standards of care and optimizing processes in the healthcare sector through the intelligent use of AI.Guía de inteligencia artificial en Enfermería",  un recurso esencial que ha alcanzado más de 5000 descargas desde su primera edición. Esta guía ha revolucionado el manejo de la IA en el ámbito de la enfermería en España, proporcionando a los profesionales herramientas prácticas y conocimientos teóricos para integrar eficazmente la inteligencia artificial en sus prácticas diarias. Su éxito refleja no solo la calidad del contenido, sino también la creciente necesidad de adaptar los avances tecnológicos a los cuidados de salud. Esta publicación es un claro ejemplo de cómo nuestra empresa se compromete a difundir conocimiento valioso y aplicable, mejorando así los estándares de atención y optimizando los procesos en el sector sanitario mediante el uso inteligente de la IA.

Description of the guide:

The Guide to Artificial Intelligence for Nursing is a joint project between AI Open Academy and CECOVA (Nursing Council of the Valencian Community) that aims to provide nursing professionals with information on the use and application of Artificial Intelligence in their clinical and healthcare practice.

In it you will find:

Detailed content

The guide provides a detailed analysis of how Artificial Intelligence is transforming nursing practice in areas such as clinical data management, patient monitoring, predicting health outcomes and personalizing care.

Practical examples

In addition to explaining the theoretical concepts of AI in nursing, the guide includes practical examples of how AI is being implemented in different healthcare environments, both locally and globally.

Ethical and Legal Considerations

The guide comprehensively addresses the ethical and legal considerations associated with the use of AI in nursing, including issues of data privacy, professional responsibility and equity in access to technology.

Recommendations for its implementation

To help nursing professionals make the most of the opportunities offered by AI, the guide provides practical recommendations for the successful implementation of AI-based solutions in clinical settings.

Additional Resources

In addition to the main content, the guide may include links to additional resources, such as case studies, technology assessment tools, and online training courses related to AI in nursing.


Detailed content

The guide provides a detailed analysis of how Artificial Intelligence is transforming nursing practice in areas such as clinical data management, patient monitoring, predicting health outcomes and personalizing care.


Practical examples

In addition to explaining the theoretical concepts of AI in nursing, the guide includes practical examples of how AI is being implemented in different healthcare environments, both locally and globally.


Ethical and Legal Considerations

The guide comprehensively addresses the ethical and legal considerations associated with the use of AI in nursing, including issues of data privacy, professional responsibility and equity in access to technology.


Recommendations for its implementation

To help nursing professionals make the most of the opportunities offered by AI, the guide provides practical recommendations for the successful implementation of AI-based solutions in clinical settings.


Additional Resources

AI must be developed and used in a way that promotes social well-being and contributes to the common good, addressing social and environmental challenges.

In short, the CECOVA Artificial Intelligence Guide for Nursing is a comprehensive and practical tool designed to help nursing professionals understand, adopt and harness the potential of AI in their clinical and healthcare practice.


Stand-alone wheelchair

In one of our projects together with our partner Quixmind, we have obtained national and European grants of more than 500,000 euros for the development of the first autonomous wheelchair in Europe.

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Health Shapers

Together with Stanford University, we have developed a collaborative board game to promote the physical and mental health of young people. Thanks to the combination of different generative AI tools, the game's knowledge base is based on the latest available evidence and is updated automatically.

The key features of “Health Shapers” could be summarized as follows:


The primary objective of Health Shapers is to promote collaboration and informed decision-making in the field of health. Players work together to address challenges and opportunities in the health system, using their skills and knowledge to find creative and effective solutions.

Topics Tackled

The game addresses a wide range of health-related topics, such as access to health care, resource management, health equity, disease prevention, and health promotion. Each game can focus on a specific topic or address multiple aspects of the health system.

Roles and Scenarios

Health Shapers allows players to assume diverse roles within the health system, such as doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, politicians and community members. The game's scenarios are designed to simulate realistic and challenging situations that these actors face in their daily work.

Education and Awareness-raising

In addition to being an entertainment tool, Health Shapers is widely used as an educational and awareness-raising tool in academic environments, health organizations and communities. The game allows participants to learn about complex public health issues in an interactive and accessible way.


Health Shapers is highly adaptable and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different groups and contexts. Facilitators can modify the rules of the game, scenarios and roles to focus on areas of particular interest or specific challenges in the health system.



The primary objective of Health Shapers is to promote collaboration and informed decision-making in the field of health. Players work together to address challenges and opportunities in the health system, using their skills and knowledge to find creative and effective solutions.


Topics Tackled

The game addresses a wide range of health-related topics, such as access to health care, resource management, health equity, disease prevention, and health promotion. Each game can focus on a specific topic or address multiple aspects of the health system.


Roles and Scenarios

Health Shapers allows players to assume diverse roles within the health system, such as doctors, nurses, hospital administrators, politicians and community members. The game's scenarios are designed to simulate realistic and challenging situations that these actors face in their daily work.


Education and Awareness-raising

In addition to being an entertainment tool, Health Shapers is widely used as an educational and awareness-raising tool in academic environments, health organizations and communities. The game allows participants to learn about complex public health issues in an interactive and accessible way.



Health Shapers is highly adaptable and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different groups and contexts. Facilitators can modify the rules of the game, scenarios and roles to focus on areas of particular interest or specific challenges in the health system.

In short, Health Shapers is a versatile and effective tool for promoting learning, collaboration and informed decision-making in the health field.


AI observatories

At AI Open Academy, we understand the importance of staying ahead in the fast and dynamic field of artificial intelligence.

For this reason, we have developed several AI health observatories, spaces dedicated to monitoring and analyzing the latest trends and advances in this area.

These observatories provide valuable insights that allow organizations to adapt their strategies, innovate and remain competitive in a global environment.

Our observatories are designed to:

Continuously monitor emerging trends in AI


Analyze practical applications of AI in different sectors.


Provide detailed reports and regular updates.


Facilitate informed and strategic decision-making.


Continuous and specialized training in Artificial Intelligence

At AI Open Academy, we have created a novel training plan based on microcredentials to improve the competencies and knowledge of staff in this critical field, ensuring that they can operate and apply AI technology effectively in their professional role.

Microcredentials have the following advantages:

They are short and specific, meaning that students or participants can acquire precise skills and knowledge in a shorter period of time. This is especially useful in today's world of work, where the need for specialized skills is increasing.


They are designed to respond to problems that professionals may face in their work environment, providing tangible value and immediate application of the skills learned.


Upon completing the courses, participants receive microcredentials that validate their AI skills and knowledge. This training has the university endorsement of the UCAM (Catholic University of San Antonio), so all microcredentials are accredited through ECTS.


Conferences and events on AI

In our events and publications, we explain the importance and impact of AI in the contemporary world, promoting responsible, safe and ethical use.

The AI Congress in Nursing is one of our most outstanding events, focused on the application of artificial intelligence in the field of nursing.

It brought together world-class AI experts who shared their experiences and success stories related to artificial intelligence and care through conferences and round tables.

The debate generated between health professionals, researchers and technologists to discuss the latest advances and applications of AI in patient care has led to a redefinition of the relationship between professionals and patients.

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